North Carolina, USA

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As I help busy moms make mealtimes easier through sustainable meal planning, I recognize that not everyone has the opportunity to plan meals, choose what they want to eat, or even eat three meals a day.

That is why I am excited and honored to support two organizations who exist to combat child hunger.

Kids Alive International, which believes:

“every child deserves to live free from the bondage of hunger, abuse, and exploitation.”

and Feeding America, which is:

“working to end child hunger.”


We are so blessed to have so much food that we need to go through it and organize it! There are children without this luxury. I want to help them. So…

For every purchase of a Kitchen Life Transformation product or service:

-The equivalent of 10 meals will be donated through Feeding America

-5% of sales will be donated to Kids Alive International

These organizations serve a need that hits so close to home as I help women transform their kitchen lives. We go through the steps of deciding which styles and genres of food they love, and which ingredients and meals they don’t love. When I stop and think about that, it’s pretty amazing. We are choosing our favorites! We are able to go to the store (do you also have 3 grocery stores within walking distance of each other like I do?) and buy the food we most like and we don’t even have to consider food we don’t like.

I also help women take back control in their kitchens by sifting through all the kitchen “stuff” they have. We are able to decide what kitchen appliances we want in our homes, what spices to put in our spice racks, what size and kinds of utensils we want to use. Again, pretty amazing.

This brings me awareness of our blessings and our responsibility to be good stewards of what we have. How much food do we throw away in a week? Is it due to a lack of organization and planning in our kitchen lives? How many gadgets and appliances do we buy and never use? Can we share them with someone who could use them?

This is what Kitchen Life Transformation is all about! Preparation and intention that leads to less waste, more focus, and increased awareness of what’s in the kitchen, why it’s there, and how best to use it.

This is close to my heart for another reason as well. As a waiting adoptive family (we have now adopted our daughter), we learned what many children around the world (and right here in the U.S.) are dealing with in addition to hunger – abuse and exploitation. Kids Alive International supports orphans who need loving homes. I want to support them in their efforts. Feeding America strives to end child hunger as well.

And, some more great news is that Kids Alive International earned a 100% rating from Charity Navigator , a charity watchdog. Feeding America earned 4/4 stars from Charity Navigator. Yay!

So, let’s share our good fortune with others who do not have as much. Thank you in joining with me to bless others around the world!

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